email: Our Address: 3300 Liberty Blvd, South Gate, CA 90280 Phone: 310-926-9485
Los Angeles - California
Winners' chapel international Los Angeles California
Our Mandate for ministry was received from the LORD Himself, in an 18 hour vision. During this vision, a commission was received from the LORD to liberate mankind in all facets of human existence, to restore broken destinies, to bring healing to the sick and broken hearted.
This was the Divine mandate received from the LORD:
“The hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching of the word of faith, and I am sending you to undertake this task.”
Today, testimonies of liberation through our messages, books, tapes, magazines and other periodicals are most humbling. The word of faith is working like fire for the liberation of mankind across the nations.
Winners Chapel International Los Angeles California is a branch of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, a ministry presided over by Bishop David O. Oyedepo. Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a Winners’ Chapel International is an end time liberation Ministry headquartered in Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria. Our primary objective is the general development and upliftment of mankind by stirring up the God given potentials embedded in people of all race and nations through the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our task is to liberate the entire world from all forms of oppression’s of the enemy through the teaching and preaching of the Word of Faith, schooling men to exploits in life and releasing men and women to their full potentials to benefit humanity.
Our Commission is also associated with the Communion of Bible Faith Ministries, dedicated to the empowerment of the total man and the discipline of character building in this high velocity society. It seeks to provide a compass setting for the making of responsible citizens and leaders of men in every nation by equipping them through training programs, materials as well as financial support.
We have diverse proofs to date that the task is enjoying tremendous success, by the grace of God, through testimonies of dramatic changes and improvements in the quality of life of the people, every where these churches are represented.