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Welcome to the Believers Foundation Class

Experience the Power of Believing with the Believers Foundation Class




  1. Principles of Ministry (POM 101)

    • To familiarise students with the fundamentals of Ministry and help them acquire the details of starting and running an ever-growing healthy ministry.


  1. Family Life (FL 101)

    • To give students an understanding of what marriage and family life are; God’s purpose for instituting marriage and how to succeed in it.


  1. Principles of Financial Prosperity (PFP 101)

    • To help the students understand and know God’s will concerning financial prosperity and how to attract and deploy Covenant Wealth.


  1. Word Foundation (WF 101)

    • To lay a solid foundation in the word of God for the students and provoke their understanding of the fact that nothing works outside the word of God.


  1. Character Development (CD 101)

    • To teach each student what the character of God is; how to develop such a sound Christian character and how to resist and overcome the ungodly character vices that clamour for men’s attention.


  1. Principles of Faith (POF 101)

    • To baptise students with the Spirit of Faith and impart them with a working knowledge of the word of faith and how to grow in faith.


  1. Holy Spirit (HS101)

    • To bring the students to the knowledge of the person and functions of the Holy Spirit, His Gifts and fruits. To teach each student how to hear His voice for Guidance and Direction and operate powerfully by the Spirit for fulfilment.


  1. New Creation Fundamentals (NCF101)

    • To recreate a working knowledge of the Acts of the Apostles in the present day Covenant child and set the fire of God burning in the hearts of men.

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  2. Principles of Answered Prayers (PAP 101)

    • To enhance the understanding of the students on the subject of prayer and establish the students as all-time commanders in life situations so they know what to do to effect any desired change through prayer.


  1. Dynamics of Potentials (DOP 101)

    • To reveal that everyone was created by God to fulfil a divine purpose with divine abilities and provoke a stirring up of the hidden abilities placed in each one for their profiting on earth.


  1. Principles of Success (POS 101)

    • To arouse a strong desire for covenant success through the acquisition of relevant knowledge of the principles leading to success in life.


  1. Determining Divine Direction (DDD101)

    • To help each student understand the wisdom of God and how to walk in divine direction and enjoy complete and continuous dominion on earth.

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